Extensions & withdrawals
I’m considering dropping my course.
Before dropping a course, you should consider all of your options. If it is a matter of concern with the coursework, ensure that you are aware of all the academic services available to you. There are circumstances in which dropping a course is the only option. Check with your academic advisor on how dropping the course may affect your goals.
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How do I get an extension?
Extensions for assignments should be dealt with as they arise between you and your instructor.
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Course extensions are somewhat different. An extension for incomplete coursework is your instructor's responsibility. If you haven’t completed the coursework by the end of the semester, your instructor needs to grant you an incomplete. This process may give you more time to complete the required coursework.
The policies for granting incompletes depends on the institution and the instructor. -
What is voluntary withdrawal?
Voluntary withdrawal (VW) refers to dropping a course after the registration revision period. If you are unable to complete the coursework in any capacity -- unable to do the readings, attend class, or finish assignments -- you may choose to stop taking the course without penalty. However, there are deadlines and processes for dropping a course that you must adhere to. Courses you voluntarily withdraw from will appear as “VW” on your transcript, but they will not affect your GPA or your academic standing.
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When are the deadlines for voluntary withdrawal?
Deadlines for voluntary withdrawal depend on the length of the course and the host institution. The official dates change from one year to another and from one semester to the next. They also vary by institution. It is important to be aware of the host institution’s VW deadline to avoid academic penalty. Voluntary withdrawal dates are frequently featured on the institution’s “important dates” section of their website or course calendar. Please refer to the list below to see updated information about voluntary withdrawal.
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Please note that if you withdraw from a course you are taking on a Letter of Permission, you must notify your home institution to inform them of the change. Otherwise, the course may eventually appear on your transcript as an F. -
How do I drop a course?
How you drop a course will depend on the institution. In most cases, colleges and university use the terminology “voluntary withdrawal” as the equivalent to dropping a course. After you formally submit a voluntary withdrawal form, you do not have to complete the coursework, attend the lectures, or write the exam, but you (obviously) will not receive credit for that course. How that course appears on your transcript will depend largely on your course’s official withdrawal date. If you want to drop a course, you should be familiar with the relevant dates and deadlines for refunds and for “type” of withdrawal.
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Each institution has its own process for withdrawal. Please see the institution hosting the course for specific information. -
Do I have to notify my home institution when I drop a course I’m taking on a Letter of Permission?
Yes. In most cases, your home institution requires written notification that you have withdrawn from a course you received a Letter of Permission (LOP) for. Otherwise, the course will appear on your transcript as an F. The office you must notify will be specified on the LOP. In some cases, your home institution will require written confirmation from the host institution that you didn’t register for or didn't complete the course.
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Will I receive a tuition refund if I drop a course?
Tuition refunds depend on the institution’s deadlines and policies for dropping a course. There will be an early deadline for refunded withdrawals. The host institution determines the deadline, which is noted on the important dates and deadlines for each institution.
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How will a voluntary withdrawal show up on my transcript?
It depends on when you withdraw. If you withdraw prior to the end of the registration revision period, the course may not show up on your transcript at all. If you withdraw after a certain date (established by the host institution), your transcript will show a VW on that course. If you drop the course even later, it will show as an F (or an equivalent). Courses that are not dropped by the VW deadline will receive a final grade. Check the institution's course calendar for more information.
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