RRC Polytech

ZOOL-1073 Pathophysiology 1

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This course introduces the foundational concepts of pathophysiology and core pathologic themes irrespective of particular disease processes. The focus is on general etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, and provides a framework for the understanding of common pathophysiological processes. Attention LPNs - If you are currently working as an LPN in Manitoba or completed your LPN program at Assiniboine Community College (ACC) you will not be required to complete the pre-requisite courses.  All other LPNs will need to either complete the pre-requisite courses or contact RRC’s Nursing department to confirm if courses similar to the pre-requisites were completed in their LPN program.As per RRC Nursing program policies, applicants/students who fail a course are permitted to repeat that course once only. Applicants who repeat and fail this course a second time will not be eligible to apply to the LPN to BN Pathway. As per RRC Nursing program policies, applicants/students are allowed only one voluntary withdrawal per course.  Applicants who voluntarily withdraw more than once from this course will not be eligible to apply to the LPN to BN Pathway. A grade of 64% or less (grade C or less) is considered a failing grade.You are not eligible to register for this course if you do not meet the prerequisite requirements or are not an LPN. If you do not meet these requirements you will not be contacted and withdrawal policies will still apply.


Take ZOOL-1071 or HEAL-1006. Take ZOOL-1072 or HEAL-2070.

Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
H. Mavi Mar. 17 2025 - Jun. 06 2025 $565.00