The University of Winnipeg

LING-4300 Language and Style

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The first focus of this course is on French Lexicology (e.g. word formation, neologisms), and the interaction between lexis, semantics (e.g. semantic fields) and syntax (e.g. idioms). The second focus is on the relation between language and style in various French texts (e.g. essays, speeches), explored for their stylistic variation and discursive features (e.g. foregrounding, rhythm). Class work investigates French vocabulary and dictionary presentations of linguistic variation (usage labels of time, place and style). Course work includes compositions that develop lexical and rhetorical cohesion when writing in French, and a research paper on an individual linguistic topic. Cross-listed: FREN-4200(3).


6 credit hours in 2000-level FRENCH language/linguistics or permission of the instructor (prerequisite).

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