The University of Winnipeg

HIST-3622 Indigenous Peoples of Arctic Canada

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This course focuses on the Inuit and their ancestors, inhabitants of Canada's Arctic and adjacent regions for nearly 5000 years. It examines the origins and development of their pre-and post-contact culture in light of archaeological and ethnographic evidence, with emphasis on regional variations in subsistence and settlement patterns, social organizations, intellectual life, and contact with Euro-Canadian institutions, ideas, and state policy. The course concludes by considering Inuit culture identity in the 21st century. Cross-listed: ANTH-3120(3). Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and ANTH-3120. Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and HIST-3522 | ANTH-3120 | ANTH-2118.

Course Details


Credit Hours


Instructor Date
S. Tulloch Sep. 03 2024 - Dec. 21 2024