RRC Polytech

COMP-1275 Excel 2019

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Become familiar with spreadsheet concepts, use basic features, obtain skills for further training, and be able to use Excel 2019 in the workplace environment. Topics covered include using worksheets to make decisions, planning, building, testing and documenting worksheets, formatting and printing, functions, formulas and absolute references, charts and graphing, solving complex problems, and working with multiple worksheets and workbooks.



Course Details

Certificate or Diploma

Credit Hours


Instructor Date Tuition
J. Epps Oct. 01 2024 - Dec. 31 2024 $605.00
J. Epps Nov. 01 2024 - Jan. 31 2025 $605.00
J. Epps Dec. 01 2024 - Feb. 28 2025 $605.00