The University of Winnipeg

CRS-2210 Conflict Theory and Analysis

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Analyzing social and interpersonal conflict lays the ground work for effective conflict resolution. Students encounter and critique various theoretical perspectives such as individual characteristics, social process, and social structural theories. Students evaluate the usefulness of these theories by applying them to different conflict situations, and develop their abilities to identify conflict resolution strategies appropriate to the conflict analysis. This course is closely integrated with and must be taken concurrently with CRS-2211(1.5) Coaching Skills Workshop. Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and MSC-2102. Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and MSC-2102.


CRS-1200 or permission of the instructor (prerequisite) CRS-2211 (must be taken previously or at the same time as this course).

Course Details


Credit Hours


Instructor Date
J. Eisbrenner Sep. 03 2024 - Dec. 21 2024