University of Manitoba

PSYC 2360 Brain and Behaviour

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This course explores the relationship between brain and behaviour. The student will first learn about the fundamental elements of the nervous system. Lectures will integrate these elements into discussions of systems responsible for sensation, motor control, emotion, sleep, learning and memory. Clinical scenarios will be used to illuminate function. Students may not hold credit for PSYC 2360 and any of: PSYC 2361, or PSYC 3530 or PSYC 3531 or PSYC 3540 or the former PSYC 3541 when titled Brain and Behaviour. Prerequisite: [PSYC 1200 or the former PSYC 1201] or [PSYC 1211 and PSYC 1221] or written consent of department head.

Course Details


Credit Hours


Instructor Date
Ivanco, Tammy Sep. 03 2025 - Dec. 08 2025
Kelly, Debbie Jan. 06 2026 - Apr. 09 2026